Sunday, August 9, 2009

Holding Grudges

I thought of this in the shower this morning and just had to write it down. The thought came due to a current spat in the family but I have yet to voice it:

Holding a grudge is like scratching an itch. You have that irritating itch and the only enjoyment you can give it is to scratch, even though you know you shouldn't.

You scratch, and scratch, and scratch...until finally the itch is now a gaping hole in your body, bleeding.

Now you know it is going to leave a scar, and some people like that. Me, on the other hand, has had plenty of scars in the past to want to deal with another.

Think about it.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Sleep, sleep...Please Sleep.

So far I have learned several different ways of getting a baby to sleep. The most unpleasant way, which you do have to do sometimes, is lay the already-sleepy bundle in his crib and sit close by until he drifts off in sobs. I hate doing that, but won't enforce it every night until he's older.

My favorite I have learned myself. This takes some time but it is quite amusing: Carter's last bit of energy before falling off to sleep is in his arm (whichever is free when I am holding him), so he is waving it around furiously, eyes closed, body limp, but his arm is a-going trying to stay awake. I carress his face which automatically relaxes me so he gets annoyed with my efforts and uses his waving free hand to grab ahold of mine and take it off his face. While he has my hand I force his down to my chest and keep it there until he wriggles it free and starts waving it around again. There begins a game of starting over the sequence until he just gives up his tired arm and drifts off.

Another fun one is leaning close to his ear, as he is nestled in my arm and against my chest, and whisper softly about....well, anything. Afterall, he is only just begun to learn words...who cares what you're talking about? Just be positive, he can sense your moods. Don't raise your voice above a soft whisper just because he's screaming. When he stops to take a breath he will hear the soft sound of your voice and soon quiet so he can hear what you're saying. Usually, when he's hooked he will stay that way until he's out.

Other small things you can try, you may already know: a fan going for white noise, a list of lullabies or just one if he really likes it (I'll write the lyrics to Carter's favorite at the bottom), one designated rocker or chair for cuddling with Mama (or Daddy). Do you have any other ideas?

Our family lullaby: Author unknown.

You're my honey-bunch, sugar plum
Yummy-yummy yumchkin.
You're my sweetie-pie.
You're my cuppy-cake, gum drop, snoogly-snookim
You're the apple of my eye!

(And I add this part)
The appel of my eye. The apple of my eye.
I will love you 'till I die
Because you're the apple of my eye!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Improved AVO-NANA Recipe

Have you read through the first recipe with this name? I made some changes that I for one enjoy a lot better. The other smoothie was just a little too rich for me.

First, instead of one frozen banana you have two. Then mash only 1 avocado and add to it about 3 teaspoons of sugar and a squeeze of half a lime (try to get all the juice from it). Thirdly, add the bananas to the avocado mix plus a splash of vanilla soy milk, as much as you desire it to be soupy. Last thing to do is blend everything together and serve while it's still cold. Yummy!

This one was sooooo much better. Try it!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

For Laughs

Do you know why a mother's skin is so perfect for her baby? It gets a milk bath every day!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Natural Teether

My 5month old son has got his first just broke through! Now his second is on it's way. I can see it peeking. He has a hard time with the toy teether we have for him. He just can't seem to hold onto it very well. Then one day he was reaching for my snack apple and I let him suck the juice after I took a bite, and I got an idea.

We started him on apple juice just a week before he turned 5 months and he loves it. So, I started slicing apples into wedges big enough that he won't choke and small enough for him to grasp and fit into his little mouth. He's having a great time with his sweet mouth toys! I could even hear him chomping down on the the tender innerds of the wedges. He is not taking chunks out of it, but I am seeing it as great training for his chewing muscles!

Also, we let him know that we are enthusiastic about his teeth. That makes him happy. He wines and puts his fingers on where it hurts, but we praise him (or his healthy body that God gave him) for growing that pearly white! That makes him smile.

I use a baby gum and tooth brush already for him. Boy, does he like that!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Taste for the Health Nuts


1 1/2 ripe acocados

1 peeled and frozen banana

a squeeze of lime

a cup or more of soy milk


1. chop up fruit into bit size pieces and mix until it's slightly blended

2. squeeze in some lime juice to keep it from getting brown

3. use a mixer or blender and cream together the ingredients

4. add soy milk (as much as you desire)

5. mix once more and now you have your smoothie

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Coupon Card

Here's something to think about: You know how at stores they get you to join some sort of membership and get rewards with a special card. Come to think of it, practically anything to do with shopping can be tied to a plastic card. Don't get me wrong, I like it actually. Which, in fact, this gave me an idea.
Now, I am a coupon clipper as some of you know. I was wondering why these manufacturers can't get some sort of organization where coupon clippers could join a memebership with them. The way it would work is that the customers would get a membership card that could be swiped at the end of all their purchases. If any kind of savings is available for anything they bought, the card would pick up on it and automatically make the deduction. This way you aren't making any impulse buys just because you have a piece of paper that basically says "hey, you have never you have never tried this gadget with all the bells and whistles, but hey! You can get 35 cents off of it if you buy it today!"
Do you think this idea is worth sending in?

Friday, April 17, 2009

God Made HIm with Me in Mind

I confessed to my husband that I was guilty of being a wishful thinker. Long before I met him and a lot longer before we met our son, I would look at mothers struggling with their little "butter-ball" baby on their hip, huffing and puffing and saying at the same time, "You are just the cutest thing in the world." I never thought so. I always wished for a slender, light, petite baby...and that would make him the cutest.
Then he came along. He was only the size of a pea when we first knew he was there. Nine months and eleven days later, I couldn't even look at myself. There goes the wish of a petite baby...still, I was optomistic and told people I was blessed to have a big, healthy baby. I thought I was going to die by the time I had to push you out. I almost cried when they didn't put him on my tummy once he was born, but took him right over to the lights to clean him off.
From that distance, I couldn't get a good look at him, but called from where I was on the bed. Finally, I held him. Thank God his eyes were wide open...and his face said to me, "I'm perfect." He was.
Even now, his belly hangs out from over his pants and his thighs are so big his daddy can't get his hand all the way around one of them. At three and a half months old he is in nine month size clothes and in need of a bigger car seat and a more stable crib. But, he is still a sweet little baby, and I know that when I look into that perfect face. Those dark blue eyes, those eyes I was wishing to be brown, harmonize perfectly with your small button nose. His nose is neither from me or his's his. Then his mouth....oh! his mouth! His mouth never seems to stop smiling. Even when he cries, it hardly screws over...only from it comes a heart-breaking sound to say, "Mama, come here. I need you."
I needed him. I look at him and I know that God knew what he was doing. I could never have created him and have more perfect than he is now. I know that God formed every part of him with me and my husband in mind. I could go on, but we have time for that later in his life.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Save the Reciept

Here's a tip for the budgeter: After a regular shopping trip, first see that your purchase was good, meaning you feel good about the price and you got all the regular items for your week (or depends on how often you shop).
For the next shopping trip, write your list on the back of the previous receipt. This way you can compare the price of an item to what you paid for it before, it will remind you of your budget plan, and for those that are "going green" you are recycling your paper!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

It's Called the Baby Butt-Up!

I think I invented a new exercise. Even if it isn't new, I'm sticking with the name. Here's how it works:
Use your G2fitness ball. Lay on your back with your baby on your stomach where it's comfortable, anywhere in the abdominal area centered between your hips. Rest your feet up on the ball and carefully pull your butt up off of the floor and then slowly put it back down. I try to do at least 20 of these. Carter loves it and so will you. I already feel it working after a couple days of doing the work out. Try it for yourself!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Hence there be another reason that chocolate is a girl's best friend.
I have never been a real chocoholic, but like any other woman, there was just that time that I craved a chocolate snack. Today you hear rumors of how chocolate is acutually good for you, and the darker the better.
I took advantage of that fact, plus the fact that I don't go absolutely crazy over chocolate, and I used it for my dietary advantage. I would suggest anyone to go pick up a box of Hersey's Sticks. Get your favorite flavor of dark chocolate and each stick is only 60 calories. I take one when I want dessert after a meal and I take one when I'm getting hungry for supper and Chris can't get home from work soon enough, plus I take one for a snack at night when I would normally indulge in a snack that is far over 200 calories.
Amazingly, this little piece of chocolate gets my mind off of the munchies!

"Jesus Loves Me" True Third Verse

The third verse to "Jesus Loves Me" never made sense to me when it says, "if I love Him when I die, He will take me home on high." So when I created my own tune of the song, I took the liberty to modify the last verse as well:

Jesus loves me, loves me still.
I'm saved to freely do His Will.
He will keep me 'til I die,
Then He'll take me home on high.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Baking Soda Beauty

I'm not your grandmother, so don't get on my back about being old-fashioned. I'm being resourceful. It's a time when we have to cut back on spending our money on expensive beauty products. I got something cheaper than Neutragena, Avon, even Clean and Clear--baking soda. I got this tip from, guess who...Queen Latifa. I was reading an article about her in the Reader's Digest and someone asked her how she kept a great complexion. If I remember right, she said it was her mother that got her using baking soda.
I tried it, and it really can feel it working. Just put a bit in your palm, maybe a half teaspoon, and add enough water so it makes a paste. I normally dampen my face first before applying the paste to your face. It's best to patt it on (all over) instead of rubbing or scrubbing it on, especially if you have sensitive skin. Then simply splash on some lukewarm water and pat your face dry.
This method just made sense...and it's crazy how cheap it is: baking soda and water. It's great for anybody...the frugal person, the all-natural person, the clean freaks, and those that just have to look incredible or they simply can't show their face in public.
Best part is, the results are so naturally beautiful that people think you're just born with a great complexion.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Auntie Anna

My first nephew was born this morning (on his due date). He was born at 12:30 am, 7lbs 5oz, 20in.
Congrats to my brother Micah and especially my sister-in-law Grace Blake.

Welcome Gabriel Micah Blake.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Blog Tester

I'm not sure what this blog is mainly going to be for, but for right now it's merely a tool for a little leverage. I've submitted myself to a couple sites to find where I can sing and also for online jobs.
Hopefully, I'll be able to advertise this blog for others to view for a better profile.
I might need some pointers by you other bloggers on how to pimp up my page and how to advertise on other sites.
Thanks. Happy blogging!