Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Taste for the Health Nuts


1 1/2 ripe acocados

1 peeled and frozen banana

a squeeze of lime

a cup or more of soy milk


1. chop up fruit into bit size pieces and mix until it's slightly blended

2. squeeze in some lime juice to keep it from getting brown

3. use a mixer or blender and cream together the ingredients

4. add soy milk (as much as you desire)

5. mix once more and now you have your smoothie

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Coupon Card

Here's something to think about: You know how at stores they get you to join some sort of membership and get rewards with a special card. Come to think of it, practically anything to do with shopping can be tied to a plastic card. Don't get me wrong, I like plastic...love it actually. Which, in fact, this gave me an idea.
Now, I am a coupon clipper as some of you know. I was wondering why these manufacturers can't get some sort of organization where coupon clippers could join a memebership with them. The way it would work is that the customers would get a membership card that could be swiped at the end of all their purchases. If any kind of savings is available for anything they bought, the card would pick up on it and automatically make the deduction. This way you aren't making any impulse buys just because you have a piece of paper that basically says "hey, you have never you have never tried this gadget with all the bells and whistles, but hey! You can get 35 cents off of it if you buy it today!"
Do you think this idea is worth sending in?

Friday, April 17, 2009

God Made HIm with Me in Mind

I confessed to my husband that I was guilty of being a wishful thinker. Long before I met him and a lot longer before we met our son, I would look at mothers struggling with their little "butter-ball" baby on their hip, huffing and puffing and saying at the same time, "You are just the cutest thing in the world." I never thought so. I always wished for a slender, light, petite baby...and that would make him the cutest.
Then he came along. He was only the size of a pea when we first knew he was there. Nine months and eleven days later, I couldn't even look at myself. There goes the wish of a petite baby...still, I was optomistic and told people I was blessed to have a big, healthy baby. I thought I was going to die by the time I had to push you out. I almost cried when they didn't put him on my tummy once he was born, but took him right over to the lights to clean him off.
From that distance, I couldn't get a good look at him, but called from where I was on the bed. Finally, I held him. Thank God his eyes were wide open...and his face said to me, "I'm perfect." He was.
Even now, his belly hangs out from over his pants and his thighs are so big his daddy can't get his hand all the way around one of them. At three and a half months old he is in nine month size clothes and in need of a bigger car seat and a more stable crib. But, he is still a sweet little baby, and I know that when I look into that perfect face. Those dark blue eyes, those eyes I was wishing to be brown, harmonize perfectly with your small button nose. His nose is neither from me or his father...it's his. Then his mouth....oh! his mouth! His mouth never seems to stop smiling. Even when he cries, it hardly screws over...only from it comes a heart-breaking sound to say, "Mama, come here. I need you."
I needed him. I look at him and I know that God knew what he was doing. I could never have created him and have more perfect than he is now. I know that God formed every part of him with me and my husband in mind. I could go on, but we have time for that later in his life.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Save the Reciept

Here's a tip for the budgeter: After a regular shopping trip, first see that your purchase was good, meaning you feel good about the price and you got all the regular items for your week (or depends on how often you shop).
For the next shopping trip, write your list on the back of the previous receipt. This way you can compare the price of an item to what you paid for it before, it will remind you of your budget plan, and for those that are "going green" you are recycling your paper!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

It's Called the Baby Butt-Up!

I think I invented a new exercise. Even if it isn't new, I'm sticking with the name. Here's how it works:
Use your G2fitness ball. Lay on your back with your baby on your stomach where it's comfortable, anywhere in the abdominal area centered between your hips. Rest your feet up on the ball and carefully pull your butt up off of the floor and then slowly put it back down. I try to do at least 20 of these. Carter loves it and so will you. I already feel it working after a couple days of doing the work out. Try it for yourself!