Sunday, August 9, 2009

Holding Grudges

I thought of this in the shower this morning and just had to write it down. The thought came due to a current spat in the family but I have yet to voice it:

Holding a grudge is like scratching an itch. You have that irritating itch and the only enjoyment you can give it is to scratch, even though you know you shouldn't.

You scratch, and scratch, and scratch...until finally the itch is now a gaping hole in your body, bleeding.

Now you know it is going to leave a scar, and some people like that. Me, on the other hand, has had plenty of scars in the past to want to deal with another.

Think about it.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Sleep, sleep...Please Sleep.

So far I have learned several different ways of getting a baby to sleep. The most unpleasant way, which you do have to do sometimes, is lay the already-sleepy bundle in his crib and sit close by until he drifts off in sobs. I hate doing that, but won't enforce it every night until he's older.

My favorite I have learned myself. This takes some time but it is quite amusing: Carter's last bit of energy before falling off to sleep is in his arm (whichever is free when I am holding him), so he is waving it around furiously, eyes closed, body limp, but his arm is a-going trying to stay awake. I carress his face which automatically relaxes me so he gets annoyed with my efforts and uses his waving free hand to grab ahold of mine and take it off his face. While he has my hand I force his down to my chest and keep it there until he wriggles it free and starts waving it around again. There begins a game of starting over the sequence until he just gives up his tired arm and drifts off.

Another fun one is leaning close to his ear, as he is nestled in my arm and against my chest, and whisper softly about....well, anything. Afterall, he is only just begun to learn words...who cares what you're talking about? Just be positive, he can sense your moods. Don't raise your voice above a soft whisper just because he's screaming. When he stops to take a breath he will hear the soft sound of your voice and soon quiet so he can hear what you're saying. Usually, when he's hooked he will stay that way until he's out.

Other small things you can try, you may already know: a fan going for white noise, a list of lullabies or just one if he really likes it (I'll write the lyrics to Carter's favorite at the bottom), one designated rocker or chair for cuddling with Mama (or Daddy). Do you have any other ideas?

Our family lullaby: Author unknown.

You're my honey-bunch, sugar plum
Yummy-yummy yumchkin.
You're my sweetie-pie.
You're my cuppy-cake, gum drop, snoogly-snookim
You're the apple of my eye!

(And I add this part)
The appel of my eye. The apple of my eye.
I will love you 'till I die
Because you're the apple of my eye!